
R how to rename a column

by Diya

How to rename Columns in R. 2131 views Less than a minute 0 Below are the different methods for renaming columns in R-studio tool. Each method uses different libraries. You can follow any one method as per convenience.. To rename a column of a data frame in R, use the following basic R steps. Get column names using the function names() or colnames(). Change the column names using the assignment operator. The above method can be helpful if you are not exploring any third-party library. # Rename column by name: change "beta" to "two" names(d)[names(d)=="beta"] <- "two" d #> alpha two gamma #> 1 1 4 7 #> 2 2 5 8 #> 3 3 6 9 # You can also rename by position, but this is a bit dangerous if your data # can change in the future. If there is a change in the number or positions of # columns, then this can result in wrong data.

Source: R/rename.R rename () changes the names of individual variables using new_name = old_name syntax; rename_with () renames columns using a function. Rename(.data,...) Rename_with(.data,.fn,.cols = everything (),...) Rename_with () is used to change the case of the column. Uppercase: To convert to uppercase, the name of the dataframe along with the toupper is passed to the function which tells the function to convert the case to upper.

To rename a column in R you can use the rename () function from dplyr. For example, if you want

A basic rule of R is to avoid naming data-frame columns using names that contain spaces. R will accept a name containing spaces, but the spaces then make it impossible to reference the object in a function. In this example, since there are 11 column names and we only provided 4 column names, only the first 4 columns were renamed. To rename all 11 columns, we would need to provide a vector of 11 column names. Renaming Columns by Name Using Base R.

52 Different Ways to Rename a Column in R. Last updated on Feb 15, 2021 9 min read R, data

The best way to rename columns in R In my opinion, the best way to rename variables in R is by using the rename() function from dplyr. As I've written about several times, dplyr and several other packages from R's Tidyverse (like tidyr and stringr), have the best tools for core data manipulation tasks. In this video I'm showing you how to rename column names of an R data frame (3 example codes).For more information, visit my homepage: https://statisticsglob Renaming columns with R base functions To rename the column Sepal.Length to sepal_length, the procedure is as follow: Get column names using the function names () or colnames () Change column names where name = Sepal.Length

The simplest way is to use rename () from the plyr package: library(plyr) rename(d, c("beta"="two", "gamma"="three")) #> alpha two three #> 1 1 4 7 #> 2 2 5 8

Hope you have enjoyed Dplyr version of renaming. As a Bonus lets look at how to rename the column using Base R package. Rename Column in R using Base functions: To rename the column in R we can also use base functions in R instead of dplyr we can accomplish different renaming like renaming all the columns in R and rename the specific column in R.

Above, you can find the basic R code for these three data situations. For further illustration, I'm going to show you in the following tutorial how to rename a column in R, based on 3 reproducible examples. Let's dive in… Example 1: Rename One Column Name in R. For the following examples, I'm going to use the iris data set. To rename a column in R you can use the rename () function from dplyr. For example, if you want to rename the column "A" to "B", again, you can run the following code: rename (dataframe, B = A). That was it, we are getting ready to practice how to change the column names in R. First, however, we need some data that we can practice on.